Tuesday, April 7, 2009

the contest begins

here is our start to the tallest corn stalk contest from the "Our Iowa" magazine.



Matt said...

Amateur Hour. Every one knows you can’t plant Iowa corn until April 10th.

Andy Breuer said...

With only 6 seeds, we have the option of starting them inside where it is 70 degrees. Trying to get a jump start on it.

Matt said...

That “Organic” potting mix will get you no where.

Jeanne B. said...

As the offical Sioux County Hawkeye from Our Iowa Magazine I would recommend real organic matter with your seeds. I plan to plant some cow manure with mine. I have plenty, need some? I don't know yet when I will plant mine, planting date uncertain. I do know I am late with my potatoes though. Grandpa Lamfers said Good Friday. (Sorry Dad)